Claretian Missionary Sisters - Misioneras Claretianas

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Estamos felices de poder abrir la puerta y ofrecer un encuentro de FAMILIA.

Enter into our new site! We are very happy to open our "home" and offer a moment of encounter of our FAMILY.

Wonderful Gift

Tarragona CristoThank to the great generosity of the Company of Mary, the Crucifix of the "initial vision" that has been in the choir of the Church of the Convent in Tarragona, has been donated to our Congregation.


In this Cross we can see the origins and the essence of our identity. Maria Antonia Antonia has been praying before It and offering herself for the restauration of the Church. The Cross - where she has learned everything - is the sourse of wisdom for our life and mission.

We are grateful to the Company of Mary in Spain for this precious gift in this time of Advent. For us it has a special meaning in our process of discernment within the project of Restructuration of the Congregation.


Christ Crucified and Risen

Strength and wisdom of God, we bless you!

Summon us, attract us and show where to fin ligth and hope.

Keep un together with You, faithful in the prayer, even in the darkest nigths of our faith.

Imprint in our hearts the words of your Gospel -

may they transform our existence and renew our being Apostles ‘new in practice’.

Make us instruments, though week, of the joy and justice of the Kingdom.

Dress us up with your feelings to collaborate in the renewal of the Church and solidarity with those who bear in their bodies your wounds.


Mary Immaculate - our Patroness' day


Minmaculada mododerary Immaculate, you are the sign on our pathyour life in poverty, obedience and chastity, totally dedicated to the mission of your Son … is our model.

Mary Immaculate the mystery that impels us to work against all kind of evil, open to the joy and hope.

Mary Immaculateloving you we love the Lord and collaborate in your maternity over the People of God. (Constitutions of the Congregation 9).


From the origins of the Congregation, Mary Immaculate is our Patroness. The foundation of the Institute, in the same year of the proclamation of the Dogma, was considered by our Founders as providential sign for our mission of hope and renewal of the Church.


May Mother Mary, help us to walk in the faith and go out in readiness to assist those who are in need, collaborating in the New World.

(Painting of Marta Moroder, Claretian Sister)


Apostolic Project of the Congregation - works in progress

In Madrid, from 23rd till 30th, the Team formed by sisters; Maria Soledad, Chony, pac 1Beatriz, Ondina, Rosa, Judith and Priscilla, accompanied By Fr Abel Toraño SJ have worked to draw the Apostolic Project of the Congregation. It was a fruit of collaboration and contibutions of all Entities put together prior the encounter. The work is inserted in the process of the Restucturing of our life, mission and congregational structures. The document will continue its elaboration and will be presented in the gathering of Major Superiors coming April.

We shall continue to keep company with the prayer, especially coming week when the Team for Structures will gather!


Year of Consecrated Life

logo ANO-VITA CONIn different places all over the world the year of Consecrated  Life begins with celebrations, prayer sevices and  commitment to  enliven our mission.

The objectives pointed out for this year are:

                             Give thanks to God for the GIFT of consecrated life, especially in this 50 years of its renewal streaming from Vatican II.
                             Embrace the future with hope and trust in the Lord.

                             Live out the present time with passion, evangelizing our vocation and bear witness to the beauty of the following Christ in the world, in so may different forms of consecration.

Being aware of our claretian charismatic  character to  "search in everything the conversion of all consecrated persons devoted to the service of God"  (Goal and Aim), we want to  correspond to this convocation of the Holy Father, in communion with all consecrated people, to bless, praise and give thanks to God, for His call to love and serve.

see: Logo of the Year CL

Last Updated on Thursday, 27 November 2014 10:44


Ongoing Formation

The Entities and communities are carrying out various activities all over the claretian world in the process of discernment as we are on the way of the Restructuring Project.

Here we share two recent experiences of African Delegation and of Formation Community in Indonesia.

The superiors, administrators of the African Delegation gathered to study the legal issues, implication of civil and canon law in the life of the communities in relationship to the customs and properties. In the second part of the session the sisters had their spiritual retreat - opportunity to deepen and strengthen in communion the spirituality and fraternity.

The community of Jogjakarta in Indonesia has their retreats pryogya2ogram to work on the importance of formation team working, sharing this experience both the community and formandies. Building up the community from the beginnings of the insertion in the community is basic for the claretian spirituality and misison.

foto africa kinshasa








Last Updated on Thursday, 20 November 2014 18:14


New mission in Sri Lanka


On 8th of November 2014 we the Claretian Sisters in Sri Lanka started a new mission in the diocese of Chilaw, Parish Kotttapitiya. The blessing of the house, done by the Bishop Valence Mendis marked a joyful and historical moment for our Congregation extending our claretian presence and service for the evangelization. The people of Kottapitiya Parish and the Diocese of Chilaw expressed their support and help.

We felt the pastoral care of the Shepherd of the Diocese, the support of the Parish Priest and parishioners. The new community formed by sisters Thushari, Roshani and Robecca will attend the pastoral needs especially of the minorities and youth, in this coastal zone on the western side of the Island.

In the starting of the new mission the sisters from the first community in Colombo were present together with the Claretian fathers and other religious.

see some spots with the link:


III Conress on Education Claretian Family

Immagine1On 29th of September we have begun the III Congress of the Claretian Family Educators in Bangalore (India). There participate 93 people: Claretian Missionaries - fathers and sisters, Missionaries of Claretian Institution and lay claretians. With great joy Fr. James Kannanthamam, cmf teh Provintial of Bangalore has welcome all. We have begun presenting the process of the Congress. The reality of and the statistics of all the claretian schools in the world The coordinators of the continents have exposed the reality of each part and after that  Fr. Miguel Ángel Velasco, cmf Gneeral Prefect of Apostolate presented the introducing theme prepared with Ascencion Redondo our general Prefect of Apostolate: it was about the  inspiration of Claret, M. Paris and Fr Pujol in reference to the education. In the context of the Immagine2reality of India we refect and prospect on the managment and charismatic teams in our schools.

teh different experiences from all over the world presneted during sessions enrich and enlighten this research. From our claretian sisters' centers we are 11 lay collaborators and 8 sisters.  The Congress continues till October 5th.IMGP8584


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Restructuration of life and mission

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