Claretian Missionary Sisters - Misioneras Claretianas

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Enter into our new site! We are very happy to open our "home" and offer a moment of encounter of our FAMILY.

Shine a light...

The Claretian sisters join the program of the first World Day of Reflection and Prayer Against Human Trafficking.

In Rome the prayer service in the Basilca of Santi Apostoli (on Feb 6th) and later in the Mass celebrated in the day of the Memory of Saint  Josephine Bakitha. Our community participated in the events together with many religious and organizations to manifest against all kind of slavery. Following the message of Pope Francis for the 48th Day of Peace (1st of january 2015) we would like "to illuminate the darkness caused by everything that exploits life for profit; to give hope to those who live the drama of trafficking, so that they can feel they are not alone; to transform mind and heart, breaking the crust of superficiality and indifference that prevents us from recognizing every person as a brother and sister". (cf. Fides)

Join us too!

Last Updated on Sunday, 08 February 2015 15:49


Consecrated Life Day

luz  As usual from almost 19 years, on the 2nd of Febbruary we Claretian Sisters join the Church in the celebration of the day dedicated to the Consecrated Life in her variety of forms and mission. Renewing our vows of the evangelical counsels in all our communities, we feel particularly inspired by the words of Pope Francis from his homily:

   "Jesus came not to do his own will, but the will of the Father. This way, he tells us, was his “food” (cf. Jn 4:34). In the same way, all those who follow Jesus must set out on the path of obedience, imitating as it were the Lord’s “condescension” by humbling themselves and making their own the will of the Father, even to self-emptying and abasement (cf. Phil 2:7-8). For a religious person, to progress is to lower oneself in service. A path like that of Jesus, who “did not count equality with God something to be grasped.”: to lower oneself, making oneself a servant, in order to serve."

From the origins of the Congregation this day was devoted to renew our promises. we are gald to do it in communion with the whole Church.

   Year Consecrated Life

Last Updated on Tuesday, 03 February 2015 12:43


Faithful to the Heritage

 In this very day (17th of January), memorial of the Passover of our Foundress Maria AnMF reustonia Paris, we recall her words:

“The aim and goal of this community is to announce the Gospel of the Lord, and fulfill the evangelical councils, and in imitation of the Apostles, work until death in proclaiming the Good News of the Lord to the whole creation. (cf. Const. 3)

“The evangelical poverty is the basis and foundation of this new community and the master-key to introduce into the heart of men the accomplishment of the Gospel” (Cf. CC, n. 84 p. 407)

“My daughters let us love one another, as daughters we are of love. Love your sisters and you will find not defects in them” (cf. CC n. 26 p. 458)

“Nothing is difficult for the humble of heart and nothing rough for their hands; so let humility be and meekness be among you” (cf. CC n, 20 p. 414).

Lord, grant us the Grace to follow your footprints, inspired by this legacy of Maria Antonia, she lived in practice till the end of her live. 

Hapy day, Claretian Missionaries and all our collaborators and friends!

Last Updated on Monday, 19 January 2015 15:31


With Hope into a new year!



The end of the year was marked by the celebration of three general Assemblies in different Entities: in USA, East Europe and Spain Sur (the last one in the half of the governance’s term). The evaluation of the life and mission was a center of the reflection, prayer and study, in the context of the Restructuring process.


It is a habitual space to also vision out the paths to follow in the coming three years. These are mainly: balanced spirituality and mission, relationships, openness to the restructuring process.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 06 January 2015 10:00


Happy new Year!

To all Sisters, Collaborators, Friends, Claretian Family, our Benefactors and our Families: our wishes to grow in fidelity to God in this process of resttucturing. we are called to be Sistwers and so let us continue our commitment to today's people "working to make brothers and sisters, to welcome them and love", in respect of each dignity.

Reviewing our past year, son intensive and rich in experiences, we enter the new year with hope and confidence.

Here to review our 2014: Video



Last Updated on Tuesday, 06 January 2015 09:35


Christmas 2014

natale-bBest wishes for this time of celebrating Christmas ... to the whole Claretian Family, Friends and collaborators!

Recent event of handing over and receiveng the Cross of the Company of Mary in Tarragona and Reus shows us and reminds us that the best gift for our life is Christ: "so God has loved the world, that He has given the only Son..." (Jn 3:16).

In a very simple yet deep encounters, first in the community of the Company of Mary in Tarragona, and second in the chapel of our community of Reus, with sisters from Tremp, Barcelona, Zaragoza and Argentina, in the presence of Maria Soledad Galeron, we had received the Crucifix before the which Antonia Paris used to pray long times during her fomation time in the Convent of Tarragona. This Cross was was her the place where intercede for the Church and offer herself to God. Receiveing it in our midst we are grateful and deeply moved.

Our desire is - as Maria Soledad has written - "That the presence of the Crucifix among us we may convert it in an instrument to renew, revitalize, strengthen our response today to "give up our life" for the Gospel, for the renewal of the Church". The recent messages of the Pope Francis make this call urgent for us, claretians.

Watch the small video on the EVENT:

From 26 - 31 December the Province Spain South, the delegations of USA and East Europe hold their Assemblies. Let us keep them Company in prayer, in this very intensive time of the Restructuring process.


Team Structures' Reorganization


The Team for the study of the Structures, formed by Mª Soledad Galerón, Cristina Ruberte, Mónica Baigorria, Lucyna Lejba, Pilar Sebastiá pac3and Margarita Bordallo, with the help of Fr Teodoro Bahillo, cmf have worked from 3 to 12 of December in Madrid.


The fruit of the reflection is summarized in  a"draft" that includes the voices of all claretian sisters (through the survey and contributions at continental meetigns) responding to the task that the XVI General Chapter entrusted to all to renew our life, mission and structures to better  respond to the urgent agendas of the Church  and the world of today. This work will be presented in the assembly of major Superiors and delegates coming April. 


Last Updated on Saturday, 13 December 2014 19:04


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