Claretian Missionary Sisters - Misioneras Claretianas

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Enter into our new site! We are very happy to open our "home" and offer a moment of encounter of our FAMILY.

Vocational response


The community of Mysore in India has celebrated the beginning of the Novitiate of Martina and Soranya the same day of the anniversary of the Foundation. Together with them the congregational community is renewed as they will be enriched by the fidelity of sisters growing as Apostles of the Gospel.

The community of Sri Lanka is glad to welcome new four postulants.  We are grateful to their families who have been generous offering their daughters for the service of the Lord and the Church in our Congregation. The Feast of the Birthday of Virgin Mary  we say with Her “My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord” and thank God for all the wonderous works that she has done to  Shanthi, Dayola Vigini, and Jayanayagi. The community will make them easy the path to say “YES” always to follow the Lord in love.

We thank the Lord for the gift of vocation and perseverance and the sisters who were srilankadedicated to form them in the way of Lord.

india martina soranya


Anniversary Foundation


Today we celebrate the anniversary of the Foundation Decree of our Congregation. It happened on 25th of August 1855 in Santiago de  Cuba. 

In the Autobiography the Mother Foundress gives evidence of the immediate circumstances of the day the Founder, Archbishop Claret signed the Decree of the Foundation of our Institute. The itinerary described in paragraphs 174 to 225 of the Autobiography, reflects the framework of the talks and prayers of the Founders, but especially the docility of both to God's Will. It was not and easy common search of the "trace of God on His Work". She acknowledges this moments as paradigmatic: "I say this for those who may come, so that learn to hope in God against all hope." (Aut. MP 218)

Hope in God against all hope became a motto of the life of claretian sisters. In our days we need to renew this setpoint, as the experience of faith and Provindece of God, so that we can share it in our mission.

Happy Anniversary!


Last Updated on Friday, 26 September 2014 10:01


August 15th


In this chapel (of our Lady of Cloister – Cathedral of Tarragona) still today we claustro-tarragona-bisdo hear the words that sounded on the day of Assumption of Mary 1851: …

“...Cross the seas

Go to any part of the world

Without divisions among us…

Offering ourselves to God, ready to endure any work 

For the sake of love of Christ”. (Autobiography MAParis)

These are our beginnings, beginnings of shared determination, of the missionary community that was born and is being strengthened in the fidelity to God’s will.

Happy Feast day to all sisters and all those who share with us the missionary life!

Renewing with joy our commitment of following Jesus, let us pray for each other; let’s pray for the congregational journey of restructuration.

On this day our Foundress Antonia Paris gathered 4 girls with the readiness to leave the country and follow the way God has manifested them giving foundations to the new missionary religious community of claretian sisters.


Formation Juniors - Congo


As every year the Delegation of Africa, organizes sessions for the formation of junior sisters of this Entity. This year (July 17-20)  the topics were  about accompaniment. This workshop was participated by 15 sisters. They deepened the principals and the dynamics of personal accompaniment as a way to grow and become agent of collaboration and relationship in apostolic mission and build¡ng up communities as well.


Juniors Reus

The Formation Course for Junior sisters in Reus has been completed on June P11301624. The last weeks were filled by the Spiritual Exercises, workshop on the Word of God (with our sister Teresa Villabona) and four days of evaluations at all levels. The experience of sisters in community, the experiences of the juniors, all those who have collabarated during these 8 months, have made this course rich and deep. The words often listenned in these last days were: gratitude, claretian experience, joy and enthusiasm, despite of heavy package of deepened knowledge.

The course begun on October 4th 2013. 10 sisters from different countries have been dedicated to deepen their claretian indetity and belonging in a environment of the charismatic roots: Ana from Argentina, Diana and Maria from Mexico, Jaqui from India, Patricia from Guatemala, Perpetue, Pauline and Jacqui from Congo and Juani from Colombia; accompanied by Agnieszka from Polonia. As Claret who bofore going for the mission in Cuba passed by the shrine of Our Lady of Montserrat, the sisters went to pray and offer themselves to continue their missionary jorney.

From the general Prefecture of Formation the course P1120954was coordinated by the team of Beatriz Salazar, Bertha Banega Ana Maria Madrile, and  Jolanta Kafka



Thank you! ... to the congregational community for this experience.

you can follow the activities which have been done at the blog page:

Last Updated on Wednesday, 18 June 2014 22:29



"The Grace of the Holy Spirit may be always in our hearts. Amen. May the light of the Holy Spirit enlingthen our understanding and may keep us in His Grace...."

With these and other spentacost-jesus-mafaimilar words Maria Antonia París often begins  her letters inviting to place the whole attention in following the inspiration of the Consolator. We too ask His ligth in this very time for the whole Congregation, time of discernment and decisions of Restructuring process.

We wish each other to keep open the heart and mind, readiness to follow His inspirations. Blessed Pentecost!

Last Updated on Sunday, 08 June 2014 09:26




"The Grace of the Holy Spirit may be always in our hearts. Amen. May the light of the Holy Spirit enlingthen our understanding and may keep us in His Grace...."

With thsese and other spentacost-jesus-mafaimilar words Maria Antonia París begins often her letters inviting to place the whole attention in following the inspiration of the Consolator. We too ask His ligth in this very time for the whole Congregation, time of discernment and decisions of Restructuring process.

We wish each other to keep open the heart and mind, readiness to follow His inspirations. Blessed Pentecost!


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