Claretian Missionary Sisters - Misioneras Claretianas

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Enter into our new site! We are very happy to open our "home" and offer a moment of encounter of our FAMILY.


Eveprofe Lupiry 31st  of May we do celebrate the claretian vocation at the end of the whole month dedicated especially in our prayer for vocations: We pray and we work so that the "vocational culture" may become the way of orienting the life of all baptized. And we wish the all of us live out oriented towards God who addresses always His word and loving invitation to follow the Gospel. We ask Jesus Good Shepherd to send new missionaries for his work; we pray for all those who discern their vocation..., those who are already in first steps of claretian formation.

With joy, in Madrid, the Europe Novitiate, accompanied by many sisters, claretians brothers  and lay, celebrated the religious profession of Lupita, from Mexico. She has chosen the Sait Paul words:"I know in whon I have placed my trust", inviting us all to renew the gift of faith and consecration.



Last Updated on Sunday, 01 June 2014 11:03


Giving thanks

We join the thanksgiving of the Church for the holiness of John XXIII and John Paul II. As the Pope Francis said in his homily on the Mass of Canonization, they were "guides that have been led by the Holy Spirit; Guides that have been guided ... ". To their intercession we entrusnanonizat the Church today, praying so that all our steps, especially of those that orient the paths of faith and service, may be encouraged by this renewing Strength continuing to make possible our 'being born again'.

papas 22



Last Updated on Monday, 28 April 2014 14:31


Pascal Mystery


The Liturgical time is pedagogical and as such invites us these days to simply accompany Jesus with love and depth; and celebrate with Him, his disciples and with Mary the Paschal mystery ; these meditations from the beginning of the Christian community have been central in the deepening of the faith in its transmission and of the discipleship.
Contemplate, worship Jesus in his self-giving, abandonment and feel His confidence; let us accept his salvation; live out that forgiveness which He gives - from the Cross and in the Cenacle after the resurrection – to overcome all discrepancies, divisions; to heal our wounds and make us able to forgive. Let’s open our hearts so that His feelings and attitudes be print more and more in our lives. Then we can go to meet others, relieve their pain and bring hope.

"May our Lord grant you a happy Easter of Resurrection, and everyone may rise to new life of grace together with his Divine Majesty imitating the virtues of Him that we have meditated at the foot of the Cross. "(Ma Antonia Paris, Letter 269)

Last Updated on Thursday, 17 April 2014 14:17


Teresita Albarracin Day

We remember today the life of our young sister  Maria Teresita Albarrracinteresita Albracin, born in Puerto de Mazarron -Spain- (May 1st 1927), entered our Congregation and professed in April 1944. Died on March 12 1946.

  "My program must be working in the Spirit of faith, to be able to do in extraordinary ways the ordinary works; this what I implore each day for each of them asking help of my Immaculate Mother."

 And what is your project, your program of life? How, in short, but meaningful way, would you express your desires to implement in this project?

"So when I wake up , think it's Jesus incarnate in the womb of Mary, when I dress, I will think how Jesus was clothed of our nature; during meals, think on Jesus saying my food is to do the will of the Father who sent me; in my work, quiet, silent, that is Jesus of Nazareth in the workshop; in silence, in meditation, in prayer, on Jesus fleeing from crowds and retreating into the wilderness to pray; in the works of the apostolate I think on Jesus working for the glory of his Father ... "

Do these words resonate in you recalling the prayer of the Mother Foundress ... "let the missionary pray with Christ praying ... ect "?

In particular, current situation, of your vocational journey, I wish with Teresita , you review the different moments of your daily life and confront with her, in her friendship and affection to Jesus that animated her young missionary life.


The process of her Beatification is continuing. The Congregation of the Beatification  Causes of Saints declared the heroic practice of the theoligical virtues.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 12 March 2014 04:14


Consecrated life day

Just day before it we had in Rome a wondeful preparation and vocational event in the celebration of the Religious Profession of Celeste Berardi from profe-cel-2Conversano. Her consecration was presided by fr. Jose Felix Valderrabano cmf.  Sisters from all claretian communities in Italy and novice mistress from the European Novitiate in Madrid (where Celeste has spent last year)  came together in the parish Church where the community of provincial curia lives.

It was a vocational motivation for every one, especially for the family and parishioners listenning to the chosen biblical readings, homily, prayers, but above all looking at this young women still and determined to follow Jesus, to allow Him to be led and sent.

We prayed for her and for the gift of the religious vocation for many young people willing to listen to God's voice.

In this way we were  ready to join our hearts with the whole Congregation (as usually we do every year from the very beginning of the claretian community) and consecrated persons in the world renewing our commitments; renewing in each one of us the fidelity of God.                                                                                              profesi cel1


Last Updated on Monday, 03 February 2014 18:26


Antonia Maria Paris' Day

"Your faithfulness oh God, is great ... "

In the life of Venerable Maria Antonia Paris, this great Woman, we see the faithfulness of God and at the same time the capacity of the faithfulness of one who is able to make a determined option to follow his wisdom, his love, his hope.

Amazing example for everyone who search paths of faithfulness..

to sing with Antonias words... ... click here




In the context of the celebration of Christmas two continental encounters took place: in Bogota (Colombia) for America and in Warsaw (Poland) for Europe. The purpose was first of all to strengthen the sisterly relationship on the continental level, know more each other and the diversity of mission. As the period of “listening” is being completed, there were presentations of the results of the survey (in base of questionnaires, personal and communal) in order to prepare the next step in the process: the discernment. Out of the “picture” of our reality and with the desire to respond to the challenges of the world the sisters gathered have shared and elaborated some criteria for the presentations of the results of questionnaires in the Entities and for the discernment of the communities and apostolic mission.

 To fulfill God’s design on our congregation: “one family one heart” the process of restructuring  shall continue ....

warasaw1grupo Bogo

Last Updated on Tuesday, 14 January 2014 11:54


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