Claretian Missionary Sisters - Misioneras Claretianas

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Estamos felices de poder abrir la puerta y ofrecer un encuentro de FAMILIA.

Enter into our new site! We are very happy to open our "home" and offer a moment of encounter of our FAMILY.

June 28 -29 - 30 - BICENTENARY

Today!, today, today!

...we celebrate thanking God for the live of this great woman Maria Antonia Paris y Riera. 200 Years ago in a small town Vallmoll close to Tarragona in Spain, she was born, daughter of Francisco Paris and Teresa Riera. Her life as woman, christian, religious and Foundress of the Congregation of Claretian Missionary Sisters is inspiring not only our missionary consacration but also the life of all those who come to know her and get in touch with her work and message.

We thank God as we gather in fraternal joy in communities, apostolic centers, sisters,friends, various places all over the world.

We post from Reus  remembering each one in this very place. Follow us in the program.

Happy day for all!


Last Updated on Friday, 28 June 2013 08:51



These last weeks from the Good Shepherd's Sunday, the Congregational Community like polyphony, lives out their annual "meeting" around vocational prayer. In the experience of the Risen Christ, who gives us his peace, joy and wants to bring his Good-News to all, we've prepared and welcomed others to pray, to see reality of our mission, exchange ideas and signs of fraternity . All our communities, from Timor Leste to El Salvador, Modlin in Poland to Paraná in Argentina certainly have received a "visit", at least virtual, of other sisters, other collaborators, with their expressions of faith, and in a special way with their particular dye of CLARETIAN VOCATION, that, shared in such a way, grows.


" May our community witness "provoke " in many young people the desire to follow Jesus out of our Claretian charism!"

Last Updated on Friday, 31 May 2013 18:42


spring time from Rome

  We remember the words of Mother Foundress    describing her experience on the renewal of the Church ... She seemed to be in the squares of Rome hearing challenging words calling for renewal: ... "obedience, obedience, poverty, poverty, poverty, recollection, silence, silence, fidelity, fidelity, fidelity to the Holy Law of the Lord". (cf. PR 55) And what we do hear in these first days of the pontificate of the Pope Francisco?:”Take care of fragile and last, care of creation, steward the thirsty, take care one of another, poverty, poverty, poverty, solidarity, solidarity, confess Christ crucified, our strength, follow Him ....” The joy, the welcoming, is mixed with a silent voice of the consciences: the Pope invites us with the words of Jesus and we do not want to let them blow away. ..



Last Updated on Wednesday, 27 March 2013 21:32


Year of Faith

 anno fedeIt is a call to "adhere to the Gospel, with more consciousness and vigor, especially in this a time of profound change such as humanity is experiencing." (Benedict XVI PF8)

fiaccolataWe pray for the Synod of Bishops that at this time, in Rome, reflects and search for light to respond with new evangelization to the challenges of today's world.
For us Claretian Missionaries ....
may this year of faith be an opportunity to deepen this fundamental relationship with Christ and his Gospel and to facilitate the same way of renewal of faith in the Church and the world. (PF6)
(Maria Antonia Paris)

Last Updated on Monday, 22 October 2012 19:05


European Novitiate

novieur-2After several months of preparation, discernment, looking for a house, ... the new European Novitiate community begins, located in Vallecas, a simple south quarter of Madrid. The sisters are from North and South Spain: Consuelo Ferrús (formator), Beatriz Pereiro, Lolis Salcedo, Laureana Garcia, and in formation: novice, Celeste, from Italy, postulants Araceli (South) and Mary (North).
some days of programming, on September 28, at noon, the whole community eventually gathers and this project of novitiate for Europe begins. There are Maria Soledad and Jolanta, from general council, who have been coordinating  these beginnings, Evelyn and Rosa. In a prayerful moment we evoked the call of the Apostles, that of our Founders ... and ours. We have been recalling all the sisters, grateful for the experience of solidarity in sharing goods to run this house.

Last Updated on Monday, 22 October 2012 19:05


Mayo_ mes vocacioanl

virgen 150-1     Del 28 al 31 de Mayo: Oramos por la vivencia renovada y más radical del carismade    cada misionera claretiana para ser anuncio y testimonio hoy del seguimiento de Jesús. “Para ser copias vivas de Jesucristo queremos entrar en una dinámica interna de transformación personal en Él y desde Él, como verdadero centro de nuestra vida, criterio de discernimiento y fundamento de nuestras actitudes, posturas, decisiones”.

( Doc. Cap. 2011 nº 35).

Bajo el manto de la protección de María, ponemos toda esta travesía Congregacional.
¡Feliz día de la Vocación Claretiana!



Last Updated on Saturday, 26 May 2012 16:36


Mes  vocacional claretiano

Semana IV, del 21 al 27 de Mayo: Pedimos por nuestras hermanas en las distintas etapas formativas. “La formación es un proceso nunca acabado que compromete toda la persona, la mantiene en actitud continua de apertura y la hace crecer en su identidad claretiana, como forma concreta del seguimiento de Cristo” 

We continue...

Last Updated on Wednesday, 16 May 2012 11:01


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