Claretian Missionary Sisters - Misioneras Claretianas

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Christmas is Hope..2008NAVIDAD 017

Is the revelation of the tenderness of God..

Is his Consolation 

God opens in Jesus the door of Mercy...and it will never be closed ...

Let us fear not the embrace of the tenderness and compassion of God and  let us be signs of this love where we are..

May our communities be places where we are embraced by such a love.

Last Updated on Friday, 25 December 2015 09:15


From Colombia

Colombiasasaima dic 15 Following the Process of Reorganization of the Congregation, the Leadership Teams of: Colombia, Venezuela and Argentina gathered in Sasaima (Colombia) from 14 – 16 of December, accompanied by Soledad Galeron Superior General. Build up the sense of sharing in joined was our goal in the unification of the Entities of South America. The work consisted of reflections, studies and prayer was an important step towards the creation of the new entity that is rising.


Our Patronness' day Mary Immaculate

Inmaculada 2015

Last Updated on Tuesday, 08 December 2015 08:38


Remembering Patrocinio Giner


Looking into your eyes, looking into your heart Patrmaria patrocinioocinio, we see and read the simply and noble personality of a woman, sister and mother, strong in humility, courageous and delicate. In your intercession colored by the blood of martyrdom, we place all sisters especially those who accompany the formation of others in the first stages of claretian journey.

Her liturgical Memory is celebrated on November 13.


Last Updated on Saturday, 14 November 2015 12:18


New General Governance of the CMF Claretian Missionaries

gg cmfThe New General Governance of our brother-congregation was elected during the XXV General Chapter celebrated in Rome. The new General Superior, Mathew Vattamattam elected on September 5th will be assisted by the council formed by Fr. Henry Omonisaye, Br. Carlos Verga (Prefect of Vocational Youth Ministry), Fr Manuel Tamargo (Treasurer), Fr Leo Dalmao (Prefect of Formation), Fr Gonzalo Fernández (Prefect of Spirituality), Fr. Artur Teixeira (Prefect of Apostolate).

We pray and wish them abundance of the Holy Spirit for the discernment and guidance of the congregational path traced by the General Chapter.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 16 September 2015 09:29


Maria Antonia Paris' Birthday

The anniversary of the birth of Maria Antonia Paris is an opportunity to thank God for her life. In this consacrated woman of XIX century God has manifested his love leaving us an example of the courage, prophetical wisdom together with the simple everyday fidelity to His Will.

Humbly suprised by his call she put all her existance at the service of the Gospel and renewal of the Church. Her passion to announce the Gospel to all the creatures is ispiring  not only the claretian family.

Today, together with her we pray for the mission of the Church she loved so much, and with her we renew the intercession she used "to do for many years asking God" to send new apostolic missionaries following Jesus announcing his Good News.

Last Updated on Sunday, 28 June 2015 09:38


Visit mission Nigeria


communityOur missionary presence in Nigeria has grown up opening to different areas of the evangelizing mission. Anna, Angelica, Aime, Nestorine are working in different apostolates: education and Christian formation (Aime and Nestorine in collaboration with the Claretian Missionaries), Anna and Angelica in the area of health (in the centers of the Diocese (Owerri), with another religious congregation and a private institution). Besides this they are carrying out a vocational project and offer support in the discernment and promotion of women.
In order to extend our service and charisma we have visited the Diocese of Makurdi much needed of animation and pastoral formation; we will study this possibility while in Owerri eventually it materializes the prospect of building our house. At present there are two candidates - Vivian and Amaka. We wish to continue to grow in communion and zeal for evangelization and to build up principal of peaceful coexistence within big diversity and conflicts of this nation.

See more new pictures in the part marked by the flag of Nigeria


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