Claretian Missionary Sisters - Misioneras Claretianas

Our reason for existing in the Church

 Our reason for existing in the Church is that God; the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, might be known and loved by all peoples.[1]

We are called by the Father in the Spirit in order to follow in the footsteps of Christ, our Highest Good. We wish to conform ourselves with Him being aware that he continues to suffer in his body which is the Church,[2] until the glory of His resurrection becomes   the law of life and liberty.

     In this way we partake in the only mission of the Church begun by Jesus, the One sent by the Father[3] and continued by the Apostles, sent by the risen Lord to preach the Gospel to every creature.[4]


All the sisters should feel as their own the missionary commitment of the Congregation and their major Entity. It may be expressed through spiritual and material help for the sisters who have been sent to the places specifically called missions and also through the effective personal availability to respond to the needs for missionaries as they may arise.


In the territory of mission, it is especially important the collaboration of lay persons; we should motivate and offer them opportunities to team with us sharing in co-responsibly areas of ministry. We should carefully screen our collaborators and provide them with the formation needed to achieve the task they will undertake. In a proper document we shall clearly indicate the mutual terms of their service.

Both in Churches’ in formation and in Churches already established, we carry out our apostolic mission through a diversity of structures and resources.


The centres for education are privileged platforms of evangelization.


In our social centres we work for the human development of persons or groups marginalized because of different reasons


The hospitality centres are also platforms of evangelization

In the spirituality centres we facilitate the encounter with God for persons and groups who come to them.


The apostolate among consecrated persons was very much desired by our Founders. It is being done by taking an active part in the formation of religious in inter-congregational institutions or in other similar centres.


From the origin of the Congregation directing spiritual retreats has been an apostolate through which the Word of God may be deepened, meditated upon, and internalized.


The diocesan and parish structures are also privileged platforms where we directly announce the Gospel.

So that our mission of evangelization may respond to the needs of the persons in different periods of time and places, we shall keep in mind the following criteria:


1. the Gospel’ light should always guide the analysis of reality

2. the mission should be carried out by way of inculturation, prophetically and freely, departing from the perspective of the poor

3. collaboration with organizations that have the same purpose of furthering justice, peace and integrity of the creation

4. transformation of structures which contribute to social injustice

5. paying attention to the integral formation of the person, and working so as to create a critical conscience so that the person may actively participate in the society and can be able to make options out of a coherent faith

6. the promotion of authentic Christian communities, inserted into the local Church

7. carrying out the mission in collaboration with the ministries of the different members of the Church

8. keeping ourselves in an ongoing process of adaptation and renewal, to respond to the real needs of the society and culture where we are inserted.

[1]               Cf. Aut. FC, 42.

[2]               Cf. Col 1:18.

[3]               Jn 3:16-17.

[4]               Cf. Mk 16:15; Mt 28:19-20.

Last Updated on Monday, 16 July 2012 10:08


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