Every 31st of May we do celebrate the claretian vocation at the end of the whole month dedicated especially in our prayer for vocations: We pray and we work so that the "vocational culture" may become the way of orienting the life of all baptized. And we wish the all of us live out oriented towards God who addresses always His word and loving invitation to follow the Gospel. We ask Jesus Good Shepherd to send new missionaries for his work; we pray for all those who discern their vocation..., those who are already in first steps of claretian formation.
With joy, in Madrid, the Europe Novitiate, accompanied by many sisters, claretians brothers and lay, celebrated the religious profession of Lupita, from Mexico. She has chosen the Sait Paul words:"I know in whon I have placed my trust", inviting us all to renew the gift of faith and consecration.
Last Updated on Sunday, 01 June 2014 11:03