In this chapel (of our Lady of Cloister – Cathedral of Tarragona) still today we do hear the words that sounded on the day of Assumption of Mary 1851: …
“...Cross the seas
Go to any part of the world
Without divisions among us…
Offering ourselves to God, ready to endure any work
For the sake of love of Christ”. (Autobiography MAParis)
These are our beginnings, beginnings of shared determination, of the missionary community that was born and is being strengthened in the fidelity to God’s will.
Happy Feast day to all sisters and all those who share with us the missionary life!
Renewing with joy our commitment of following Jesus, let us pray for each other; let’s pray for the congregational journey of restructuration.
On this day our Foundress Antonia Paris gathered 4 girls with the readiness to leave the country and follow the way God has manifested them giving foundations to the new missionary religious community of claretian sisters.