Today we celebrate the anniversary of the Foundation Decree of our Congregation. It happened on 25th of August 1855 in Santiago de Cuba.
In the Autobiography the Mother Foundress gives evidence of the immediate circumstances of the day the Founder, Archbishop Claret signed the Decree of the Foundation of our Institute. The itinerary described in paragraphs 174 to 225 of the Autobiography, reflects the framework of the talks and prayers of the Founders, but especially the docility of both to God's Will. It was not and easy common search of the "trace of God on His Work". She acknowledges this moments as paradigmatic: "I say this for those who may come, so that learn to hope in God against all hope." (Aut. MP 218)
Hope in God against all hope became a motto of the life of claretian sisters. In our days we need to renew this setpoint, as the experience of faith and Provindece of God, so that we can share it in our mission.
Happy Anniversary!
Last Updated on Friday, 26 September 2014 10:01